The main information on Tunisia is :
Official name : | Republic of Tunisia |
Official languages : | Arabic |
Other languages : | French, english, italian and german |
Religion : | Islam (christian and jewish minority) |
Area : | 162.155 km2 |
National Day : | March 20, Independence Day |
Time Zone : | GMT + 1 |
Currency : | Dinar tunisien (TND) |
Governorates and regional development councils : | 24 |
Delegations and local development councils : | 264 |
Rural councils : | 197 |
Municipalities : | 264 |
Capital : | Tunis |
Population : | 11304,5.000 (July 2016) |
Climate : | mediterranean, 12°C in winter, 30°C in summer (on average) |
Source : National Institute of Statistics - 2016
GDP : | 85 490,7 MTND |
Growth rate : | 0,8 % |
Per capita income : | 7 321,800 TND |
Exports : | 27 607,2 MTND (at current prices) |
Imports : | 39 654,8 MTND (at current prices) |
Source : Central Bank of Tunisia – 2016
Flow of FDI : | 1 964,900 MTND |
New jobs : | 10 617 |
Average exchange rate : 1 TND = 0.312 Euro = 0.34 USD (January 2020)